Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bare Necessities ... or just plain bare.

Today was spent planning, cleaning, and praying swift death upon the spiders in my room... but mostly today was spent scavenging. I would like to recommend they add a picture/example of a teacher next to the definition of "scavenger" in the dictionary. Given not even the bare necessities of a classroom and no budget to spend, a teacher must scour their surrounding areas for discarded goods and scraps. I spent about 6 hours today just prepping my classroom...

The front of my classroom

The back of the classroom ... so bleh.

Kind donations from other classrooms :3

The reading center ... needs cushions... and books

The block building center... that has no blocks

The sand and water station... without the water 

Visual Arts center ... with nothing but paints

I moved my desk to make room for centers
The dramatic play area - highly gender specific

Monday, August 30, 2010

A new(b) year, a new(b) beginning

I never thought in a million years I'd become a teacher. But, here I am: a teaching noob in every sense of the word. This will be a photo-blog of my attempt to turn my bare classroom into a place where kids can actually have fun and learn. Because if they're not having fun and learning, they're going to be driving me crazy!